August 30, 2016Getting your hair toned from a reputable hair color salon is what’s best for your hair over doing it yourself at home. Sure, some prefer to buy your own and do in the comfort of your house but is it really what’s healthiest for your hair?
Here’s 5 reasons why it’s best to let the professionals color your hair instead of doing it yourself.
Covering Dark Hair with Red
One of the most difficult issues in coloring dark hair red is that it usually turns into an odd shape of burgundy or purple. If that’s what you’re going for, great! Otherwise, leave it to experts to get that perfect shade of red.
Lightening Natural Hair Color More than 3 Shades
When you’ve decided to go at least 3 shades lighter than your natural color, you may get those red pigments that are hidden within your hair and not be able to control the color as well as you think you can. Also, this typically involves more than a single lightening step, so you better entrust this to a professional colorist. First step, removing the current color from your hair and then adding the tones and shades desired.
Dyeing Blonde Hair Red
If you’re a blond wanting to go red, this can be tricky. Having light to medium brown hair gives you a better chance of getting those red shades. Blondes have the chance of going orange depending on their natural pigment. Doing strand tests and proper timing can help alleviate some of the problems but it won’t guarantee that you’ll end up with the color you envisioned.
Turning Light Hair, Darker
You may think that turning light hair into a darker shade can be a piece of cake. It is the easiest of the options when doing your own hair, but you need to be sure you are adding the right tone of either an ash tone or red tone to get the color you want.
Fixing Color Mistakes
Once you’ve colored your hair yourself and realize that it’s not exactly what you were looking for, you can try calling those consumer hotlines of L’Oreal, Clairol, Revlon, or Garnier. But let’s be honest, they cannot see your hair, know the hair type, texture, and its original color. There’s really nothing they can tell you to do except to visit a hair salon.
Why not cut out the trouble of coloring your hair yourself. Anna’s Salon Elite was voted as the ‘Best Salon’ and the ‘Best in the Valley’ and promises to leave you feeling confident and beautiful. No matter what your current hair color may be, at Anna’s Salon Elite we can help you find that perfect combination of style and color. Why not schedule a consultation appointment to discuss what might be the best for you? You can call us for an appointment at (724) 375-8511, or simply drop by for a visit at the salon at 2616 Broadhead Road in Aliquippa, PA 15001.